Living, learning, sharing Hindu values for a cohesive and plural British society.
Vichaar (vi’chār) -Ideas, thoughts;
Manthan (man’than) - Churning
Vichaar Manthan is a non-profit public discussion platform based in the United Kingdom. Our mission is to host in-depth public discussions that lead to new ideas on challenges facing society grounded in a (sustainable) Dharmic lens.
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Over the past three centuries we have seen wealth harnessed by individuals, organisations and governments to drive the engine of progress, yet there is a growing consensus that we need to fundamentally shift our paradigms around wealth creation and align market players to more sustainable ends.

A civilisation’s corpus of literary and artistic work acts as a storehouse of collective cultural experience and learned wisdom, against which we can examine and evaluate the sustainability of modern phenomena such as identity politics. This vertical aims to use sustainable measures of progress, which may be encoded in ancient literature, to challenge both the postmodern upheaval of ideas and also grand institutions like the scientific method.
Culture & Literature